Ia Tangata

A review of the protections in the Human Rights Act 1993 for people who are transgender, people who are non-binary and people with innate variations of sex characteristics

  1. Ia Tangata
  2. /
  3. Online Submission

Issues paper online submission form

This online form will allow you to provide feedback on the consultation questions in our Issues Paper.  

We want to know what you think about the issues we have set out in the Issues Paper. Your feedback will help us to understand better the needs, perspectives and concerns of New Zealanders on the issues in this review and the practical implications of reform. Along with other relevant evidence and analysis, it will help us to develop our recommendations for law reform.

When answering questions, we ask that you explain your views wherever possible.

This is not a survey, nor is it our intention to count up submissions to find the option with which most people agree. We will not, for example, be counting form submissions. Rather, we are interested to hear people’s views so that we can understand better the reasons for and against particular reform options, and the practical implications of reform.

We suggest you read the relevant Issues Paper chapter before answering the questions that relate to that chapter. While completing the form, you can return to the relevant chapter in the Issues Paper at any time by clicking the link at the top of the page.

Threatening, abusive or unlawful communications

The issues in this review sometimes generate strong opinions and disagreement. It is our role to consider all sides of an issue. We also need to keep our people safe. If a submission contains material that is threatening, abusive or unlawful, we will stop reading it and will disregard its contents.

Submissions close at 5pm on Thursday 5 September 2024.

What happens to submissions?

We will use the submissions we receive to inform our review and may refer to them in our publications. We will keep all submissions as part of our official records. We may also publish some or all of them on our website or use them to inform our work in other reviews.

Publication of submissions on our website or in our publications

You can request that we do not publish your name or any other identifying information in your submission. You can also ask that we do not publish other parts of your submission (for example, information that is sensitive and personal about you). If we decide to publish submissions on our website (or refer to them in our publications) we will not publish any details or parts of your submission that you have identified in this way.

If you do not make a request of this kind, we will assume we are able to publish or refer to all parts of your submission, including identifying information and private information.

Requests for official information

Information held by the Law Commission is subject to the Official Information Act 1982. If we receive a request for official information and your submission falls within the scope of that request, we must consider releasing it.

If you have asked us not to publish your name and identifying details or some other information in your submission, we will treat that as a starting point when considering whether we are obliged to release the information under the Official Information Act. However, ultimately, we will need to decide whether release is required under the Official Information Act (including whether there is a strong enough public interest to override any confidentiality and privacy concerns). We will try to consult you before making that decision.

Privacy Act 2020

Information supplied to the Law Commission is subject to the Privacy Act 2020. Your submission may contain personal information. You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by the Law Commission.

If you need help

Some people may find it emotional or distressing to make a submission. If you want to make a submission, you may want to arrange to have a support person ready to help. If you are upset or distressed, you can also call or text 1737. This helpline service is free and is available 24 hours a day. You’ll be able to talk or text with a trained counsellor. The service is provided by Whakarongorau Aotearoa | New Zealand Telehealth Services.

If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 111 and ask for the police.

How to get started

Click the button below to start the survey. Remember to click “Save your answers” when you complete a section. You can go back and edit your answers by clicking any of the topic links on the right-hand side of the page.

The online submission form covers a wide range of topics and asks many questions. You are welcome to focus only on those topics that concern you or about which you have views. There is no need to answer all the questions. You can navigate to the questions you are interested in by using the Chapter tabs down the right-hand side.

You will also be able to review all your answers at the end of the survey before you click “SEND YOUR SUBMISSION”.